Swim Stars’ 0 Drowning Plan: 9 simple actions for your safety

27 April 2021

Swim Stars’ 0 Drowning Plan: these are simple actions that will prevent many drownings this summer and save lives.

What are the recommendations for implementing this plan?

The 0 drowning plan around water

  • Swim in the bathing areas and supervised by lifeguards
  • Always swim in pairs
  • If you go boating, always wear a life jacket
  • Install safety barriers around your pool
  • Keep unused toys out of the pool and out of reach

… And in the water

  • Always actively supervise your children
  • Always keep your arms away from young children and stay focused on them
  • Give assistance by holding or throwing an object to the victim
  • Always stay close by


Discover some scenarios with our mascot Poulpy!

We have developed a drowning prevention program SAFE (be out of danger) for schools.


Swim Stars animators put Poulpy on stage at the pool, in the mountains or at the beach…

Watch a report of their intervention.

The objective is simple: to make the most vulnerable people aware of the risks of drowning in order to avoid them

thanks to our Poulpy.

Swim Stars is also the only school to have organized

the first World Water Safety Day on French soil in June 2019 with the Pat’ Patrouille!

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