Esportiu Rocafort Swimming Pool in Barcelona

Welcome to Swim Stars Barcelona, located atC. de Floridablanca, 41, 08015 Barcelona, Spain


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Swimming courses in Barcelona


From age 3

Learning survival reflexes and the basics of swimming from an early age and for life.

Adult Aquaphobia

From age 16

This comprehensive learning program is a 12-step approach designed to give you the skills and techniques to learn how to fully enjoy the pleasures of the water.

Adult beginner

From age 16

The course is suitable for absolute beginners who want to learn all the basics of swimming. This swimming course adapts to each individual’s level thanks to a step-by-step progression.

Learn to Swim

From age 5

Acquire the fundamentals to learn to swim by developing autonomy and technique.

Swimming courses in Barcelona


From age 3

Learning survival reflexes and the basics of swimming from an early age and for life.

Adult Aquaphobia

From age 16

This comprehensive learning program is a 12-step approach designed to give you the skills and techniques to learn how to fully enjoy the pleasures of the water.

Adult beginner

From age 16

The course is suitable for absolute beginners who want to learn all the basics of swimming. This swimming course adapts to each individual’s level thanks to a step-by-step progression.

Learn to Swim

From age 5

Acquire the fundamentals to learn to swim by developing autonomy and technique.

Our rates

Test class

Ideal for testing


Offer valid once for new customers


Valid only for new customers

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  • Access to all our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows

Subscription 4 lessons for 4 weeks


22,25€ / class

89 / 4 weeks commitment 6 months
99 / 4 weeks without commitment


Enrollment fee 39€.

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  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Ability to pause your subscription for up to 1 month in any 6-month period
  • Unused courses are automatically carried over to the following month.
  • Easy termination
  • Subscription 8 lessons per 4 weeks +50€/4 weeks
  • Every 4 weeks you will be credited with 4 or 8 lessons, to book as you wish.
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Back to school offer: From September 1 to September 30, for every subscription take advantage of the 7th month free.

Pack 10 classes

26,90€ / Class

O 269 €


Validity 5 months

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  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person at this link:
  • Free 3x payment
  • ANCV holiday vouchers accepted, payment at this link:
  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Free 3x payment

Pack 6 classes

28,10 / class

O 169 €


Validity 3 months

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  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person at this link:
  • Free 3x payment
  • ANCV holiday vouchers accepted, payment at this link:
  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Free 3x payment

Gift Card

From 20€.

Elijo mi tarjeta

Read more

Simplify your life and make an original gift that she will love. Just choose the value of the gift card: £20, £50, £100 or £200.

Test class

Ideal for testing


Offer valid once for new customers


Valid only for new customers

Lire la suite

  • Access to all course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows

Subscription 4 lessons for 4 weeks


24,75 € / class

89 / 4 weeks commitment 6 months
99 / 4 weeks without commitment


Enrollment fee 39€.

Lire la suite

  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Ability to pause your subscription for up to 1 month in any 6-month period
  • Unused courses are automatically carried over to the following month.
  • Easy termination
  • Subscription 8 lessons per 4 weeks +50€/4 weeks
  • Every 4 weeks you will be credited with 4 or 8 lessons, to book as you wish.
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Back to school offer: From September 1 to September 30, for every subscription take advantage of the 7th month free.

Pack 10 classes

26,90€ / Class

O 269 €.


Validity 5 months

Lire la suite

  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person at this link:
  • Free 3x payment
  • ANCV holiday vouchers accepted, payment at this link:
  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Free 3x payment

Pack 6 classes

28,10 / class

O 169 €


Validity 3 months

Lire la suite

  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person at this link:
  • Free 3x payment
  • ANCV holiday vouchers accepted, payment at this link:
  • Access to our course programs
  • Last minute booking and free cancellation up to 4 hours in advance, after this period the course is counted as follows
  • Family price, -10% of the second person in this link: Family price
  • Free 3x payment

Gift Card

From 20€.

Elijo mi tarjeta

Lire la suite

Simplify your life and make an original gift that she will love. Just choose the value of the gift card: £20, £50, £100 or £200.


Planning swimming lessons in Barcelona

No room in your course? Don’t worry. Places may be added or become available. Check the calendar regularly or use the waiting list.

Not to be missed


Start classes whenever you want


Book your courses until the last minute


Classes are conducted in small groups


The trainer is in the water with the students

Vous souhaitez vous initier à la natation ? Obtenez des conseils professionnels d'athlètes olympiques, de nageurs célèbres et d'autres personnes sur la façon de nager rapidement, en toute sécurité et avec plaisir.
Le dos crawlé est la nage la plus recommandée pour les débutants. Elle consiste en une alternance de mouvements de bras et de jambes tout en restant sur le dos. Cette nage est très efficace pour améliorer la posture et l'alignement du corps. Elle peut également améliorer la coordination des mouvements et la respiration. Cependant, cette nage peut être difficile à maîtriser pour certains et peut causer des douleurs au cou si elle n'est pas exécutée correctement. Swim Stars
Avec les cours de natation pour adultes débutants de Swim Stars, vous pouvez apprendre dans un environnement sûr et favorable qui s'adapte à vos besoins. Développez vos compétences de base et gagnez en confiance dans l'eau !
Pour profiter pleinement de vos palmes pour la plongée ou la natation, il est important de les entretenir correctement.  Swim Stars

To benefit from the family price, enter the code below when paying for your subscription or pack


Swim Stars San Sebastian

Do you have a subscription and want to know how to cancel it? Click here

Swim Stars Barcelona

Do you have a subscription and want to know how to cancel it? Click here