One in seven French people say they can’t swim

30 April 2021

One in seven French people say they can’t swim

Knowing how to swim is important. A study of the

Weekly epidemiological bulletin

(BEH) of the health agency Santé publique France notes that drowning causes nearly 500 deaths each summer.

Swimming is more than a hobby

More than one French person out of seven declares not to have learned to swim. The majority of drownings occur during swimming. Therefore, swimming ability is a key element in drowning prevention.

The over-55s are more vulnerable

The 55-75 age group is particularly affected by drowning. Indeed, 64.7% still declare not knowing how to swim, underlines the BEH, reminding that
learning “can be done at any age”.

Not knowing how to swim: 2nd cause of death in children aged 1 to 4 years

Among children aged 1 to 4 years, drowning is “the second leading cause of accidental death after road accidents”. Indeed, aUS study shows that participation in swimming lessons at an early age reduces the risk of drowning by 88%. in this age group, notes the BEH.

Consequently, mentalities are changing in France.

Indeed, the government’s water comfort plan

and the


courses are aimed at fighting together against the scourge of drowning among young people.

Why is the AUTO-RESCUE complementary to the national “Aquatic Literacy” program?

While the Covid pandemic currently prevents learning to swim,

even though there is no risk of contamination in the water.

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