Child’s progress: why the coach and parents are crucial in 3 points

22 November 2020

Child’s progress: why the coach and parents are crucial in 3 points

The well-being of each swimmer is of paramount importance to the parent as well as the coach. Parents expect coaches to lead the way in creating a strong relationship between them and their children. This is the key to a child’s swimming progress.

1. Because the coach encourages your child to surpass himself to progress

A swimmer’s progress is much greater from age 6 to 12 than at any other time in their development.

Children progress at different rates through their physical and emotional development. Many may reach plateau phases, when improvement seems slow, but at other times they progress rapidly. The coach must always be objective and have a positive attitude to report on the child’s progress but also on the points that need to be improved.

2. Because parents must have confidence in the coach’s pedagogy and the child’s abilities…

This is where the role of the parent becomes crucial. In addition to reassuring the child, he or she should encourage and support the child. Believe in him, while leaving the necessary space for the coach. In fact, your child may have a difficult start
because he is afraid of water
. But this fear will gradually diminish if the child is in a serene environment, where everyone acts positively for the child. Since the parent’s fear can be contagious to the child, it should not be passed on to the child or the coach. Because fear can cause mainly stress, anxiety and anger. And it is the whole course that can be impacted. Give the keys to the truck to the coach who is
trained in the Swim Stars pedagogy
and knows the kids very well.

3. … without overestimating the child’s progress

Indeed, the temptation for the parent is to register the swimmer on slots still out of reach compared to his real level. This is especially true if the child has early physical development. But it may also be due to a misperception of the parent. Generally after a return from summer vacation, progress can be overestimated because it is not properly analyzed. The coach, whose job it is, must be listened to by the parent so that the swimmer can flourish in the most appropriate group. Indeed, if the level is too high, your child will not want to come and learn to swim. Because swimming is likely to be a physical suffering first, then a moral suffering. This is counterproductive!

To avoid such mishaps, we give more explanations and advice on
the transition of levels between our different swimming courses
. In order not to miss any steps and to progress safely,
here is our program and our evaluation tests.

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