5 non-negotiable reasons to teach children to swim

20 November 2020

Teaching children to swim: 5 non-negotiable reasons

Learning to swim is an activity that brings many benefits to your children. It is a complete activity that involves all the muscles of the body, strengthens cardiovascular capacities and is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. As a swim school, Swim Stars is well positioned to highlight 5 unbeatable reasons to learn to swim to convince you and your child!

Children always have an excuse not to learn to swim

“I don’t like the pool,” “I don’t want to wear the cap,” “I prefer soccer,” “I have a stomachache,” “I have to pee.”
How many more excuses do children have to discourage parents from teaching them to swim? Don’t be fooled anymore! It’s like a new dish… first, you taste it. It’s a good thing that at Swim Stars, we make our courses very special. We put all the chances on your side so that your child comes in and out with a smile!

1. Reason number 1: to learn to swim for my child’s safety

According to the World Health Organization in 2018, there are an estimated 360,000 drowning deaths annually worldwide.
In France, drowning is the 1st cause of death by accident of everyday life in children under 25 years old. It concerns 43% of children under 6 years old and the majority of them are in private pools.

Drownings: alarming figures that must be known and fought

During swimming lessons, coaches work on many safety techniques. You may not realize it, but every step of
course will involve preparing your child for the eventuality of a hazard. From a very young age, your child is able to
learn the survival reflexes in case of a fall in water (see the article in Le Parisien)
including knowing how to save himself by turning over on his back to float and get into a safe position.

2. Swimming is very good for your lungs and heart

Swimming trains the body to use oxygen more efficiently and can also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

3. Swimming improves heart strength and muscle development

As your children grow, their bodies are developing rapidly. Their muscles go through a lot of changes, and being in the water not only strengthens them, but also allows them to recover. Your children will develop real skills to engage in a wide range of physical activities.

4. Another good reason: it’s an inclusive sport

Considering the learning of swimming as a fundamental knowledge, the practice of this sport is a formidable vector of equality. With our small group swimming lessons, students, despite all their differences, are able to come together around a common goal. It is also an opportunity to make many friends, because you learn better with a friend!

5. It is a physical activity that can inspire other sports vocations!

Learning to swim is first and foremost the basis for being comfortable in the water in all circumstances. And if swimming several kilometers in all four strokes with intensity is not your child’s cup of tea, but he likes water, you can be sure that he will be curious to discover the benefits of synchronized swimmingwater polo, windsurfing, aqua gym, or even high diving!

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